Strategy, structure, and story are essential to the success of any enterprise. That's what experience has shown me,  no doubt you as well. I work hand in hand with you to build all three through:

Course Plotting

  • Strategic planning facilitation and writing

  • Strategic communications audits and planning

  • Positioning and messaging

  • Social media planning

  • Organizational benchmarking

  • Board development

  • Focus group facilitation and reporting

  • Polling development, management and reporting


Content Creation

  • Writing for publication -- reports, white papers, articles, backgrounders, briefing documents, case studies, copywriting

  • Writing for the web and social media

  • Writing for presentation and public speaking

  • Knowledge capture from projects and events

  • Graphic design management

  • Video scripting and directing

  • Website development management

  • Historical research and oral histories

  • Education policy analysis



  • Strategic and tactical thought partnership

  • Media and presentation training

  • Editing


About the photographs: I met Christian Fuchs on the first day of high school. We bonded through the proximity of our last names in teacher gradebooks and a love of soccer. Christian has spent his life serving others -- in the Navy, as a photojournalist and at the Jesuit Refugee Service. I am honored to share his work. You can see more at